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FLUKE-289/IMSK Industrial Multimeter Service Combo Kit
Fluke has combined its advanced data logging Multimeter with Trend capture with the i400 AC Current Clamp. Together they provide the ability to troubleshoot most industrial problems. Additionally, the Fluke-289/IMSK Industrial Multimeter Service Combo Kit represents a significant savings over buying the items separately.
Fluke TL81A Test Lead Set, Deluxe Electronic,Red/Black,Small
This Fluke is the perfect test lead kit for todays electronics tests and designs. The kit includes precision electronic probes with multiple spring-loaded sharp tips to maximize contact with SMD test points. The kits also includes micro-grabbers and leads to enable fine SMD tests along with mini alligator clips, grabbers, and probes for virtually every electronics need. Fluke Corporation is the world leader in the manufacture, distribution and service of electronic test tools and software. From industrial electronic installation, maintenance and service, to calibration and quality control, Fluke tools help keep business and industry around the globe up and running.
The TL81 kit consists of a quadfold nylon pouch containing many test leads
Date First Available : November 21, 2022
Product 1: Fluke-289V Advanced data logging Multimeter has a large 50,000 count,1/4 VGA display
Product 1: The low impendence voltage function prevents false reading due to “ghost voltage”
Product 1: The Fluke-i400 AC 400A Currant Clamp is your companion to the DMM to measure up to 400 A AC with 1 mA/Amp output
Product 1: This is the only current clamp available with a CAT IV 600 V/ CAT III 1000 V safety rating
Product 2: 3 test leads (red, black, green) connected to low-leakage probes
Product 2: 3 alligator clips (red, black, green)
Product 2: 2.6m lead length
Product 2: 26mm maximum jaw opening